[***SPAM***] [AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: [AfrICANN-44] Africa Strategic plan

Dr Yassin Mshana ymshana2003 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 02:37:51 SAST 2012

Hello there....I am concerned with the way this communication is going....

It was a simple question which received a simple answer..

Now where is long string of accusations coming from? Can we have a simple
answer please?

That is the way to move on.... ?

My contacts are below - mind you, I do not have secrets and tell the Truth
so that I dont have to remember what I said to anybody - in that case do
not tell me your secrets- I have no capacity to store anything - I
therefore wish to receive the Truth....

in Freetown

On 27 July 2012 00:17, McTim <dogwallah at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Sophia B <sophiabekele at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have no idea where this is going?
> > But Nii, did u see my message on another email thread?
> >
> >> re:
> >> I am quite surprised that I am being informed that I am not subscribed
> on
> >> this list as I can view what everybody is posting.
> >> But technology has since come a long way,  therefore, is it possible
> that
> >> one can see everyone's post as  a subscriber and prevent oneself from
> >> posting?  or are you saying there are two different subscriptions for
> one to
> >> view and one to post?  I appreciate your clarification on this!
> >
> >
> > Can you explain this?
> PEBKAC.  This has occurred before (several times IIRC) where you
> accuse the list moderator (who does not exist) of blocking your posts.
> It has been explained to you that it is an open, unmoderated list, yet
> every few years this accusation of "blocking" comes back.  I have to
> say it is a bit tiresome.
>   then we can figure out who is owed apology or
> > disrupting a "serious matter" or changing the subject ?
> >
> which is what you have done in the sentence below!
> > I also asked clarification where  this UN moderated server is sitting as
> > well. Can anyone answer that before requesting apologies?
> What UN server? This list is NOT run by the UN?
> The server sits either in Jo'burg or MU (why is this important?) and
> the service is provided as a public service (gratis) by AfriNIC.
> --
> Cheers,
> McTim
> "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
> route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel
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 * "The illiterates of the 21st century are not those who cannot read or*
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