[AfrICANN-discuss] Help with .africa history

Nigel Roberts nigel at channelisles.net
Tue Jul 3 09:25:02 SAST 2012

As I was one of the European Council Members for the DNSO (before it 
split into ccNSO and GNSO) I can confirm Calvin is correct - when he 
says it was normal that the ccTLD Constitutency considered a newTLD 
proposal that was presented to the DNSO this was entirely in line with 
the ICANN structure.


PS: ICANN was smaller then. Interestingly although (as a ccTLD manager) 
I strongly support the historical reboot of ICANN, the increase in 
influece that the creation of a separate Supporting Organisation brought 
to the ccTLDs, was a tradeoff at the expense of useful 
cross-fertilisation with gTLD people IMO

On 03/07/12 09:06, Brian Munyao Longwe wrote:
> Calvin,
> Thanks for refreshing (all of our memories) on some of the less
> noticeable and easy to be missed aspects of the .africa history.
> Best regards,
> Brian
> On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Calvin Browne <calvin at orange-tree.alt.za
> <mailto:calvin at orange-tree.alt.za>> wrote:
>     On 02/07/2012 16:37, Dr Yassin Mshana wrote:
>>     Hello Africans,
>>     I think we are getting somewhere now.
>>     How comes no one knows anything about <.africa> issues in the past?
>     It's simple - they came after this happened, or their memories are
>     fading.
>>     Can we accurate please? That will be the misleading information
>>     that I had mentioned to Rebecca.
>     Agreed - which is why I'm providing references (which took some time
>     to dig up).
>>     I know and remember that the issue of <.africa> did not come up
>>     and should not have been considered by ccTLD (ccNSO) constituent
>>     since there is and was gTLD Constituent which was responsible for
>>     that issue.
>     Not entirely correct.
>     There was a DNSO (Domain Name Support Organisation) which had
>     several 'constituencies'. Only later did the cc's organise into a
>     separate Supporting Organisation (I think it was first mooted in
>     Stockholm). So, basically, the cc's only had a 'separate' voice
>     later. Until the ccNSO was formed, everything they did was
>     channelled through the DNSO, now the GNSO.
>     As I mainly hung out in the cc group, it was the logical place for
>     me to get some opposition to what was, in my eyes, a recolonisation
>     attempt.
>     I was not alone in this effort - and lots of other people, Africans
>     and non-Africans were involved in this opposition.
>>     May I suggest that we provide accurate information please? If one
>>     does not know - just say so please - the issues was beyond your
>>     mandate. Fellow Africans, let us be professional by giving
>>     accurate information to the journalist please! No room for
>>     anything else but a True Story...
>     Well - you're welcome to believe a woman who arrived half way on the
>     scene, and implemented a business plan which I outlined to her in a
>     lunch meeting in São Paulo in 2006, and subsequently claimed the
>     idea as her own.
>     Or, you could go look at the records (which admittedly takes time).
>     It was only when I saw clear errors which were going to put forward
>     that I felt the need to spend the hour or two doing research to get
>     substantiation.
>     And I did outline the stuff which I've substantiated above to
>     'Becky. Although I got my initial dates wrong by a year.
>     regards
>     --Calvin
>>     May I request this to apply in everything we communicate?  It is
>>     impossible one to know everything....or it is?
>>     That is all for now on this
>>     Yassin (Neutral and 24/7 for Africa!!)
>>     On 2 July 2012 12:19, Calvin Browne <calvin at orange-tree.alt.za
>>     <mailto:calvin at orange-tree.alt.za>> wrote:
>>         On 02/07/2012 13:10, Calvin Browne wrote:
>>             On 28/06/2012 13:24, Dandjinou Pierre wrote:
>>                 Rebecca,
>>                 Good you are writing the history of .Africa
>>                 To my knowledge, there has not been any application
>>                 for the .Africa
>>                 string, apart from those we now have with the new gTLD
>>                 programme.
>>             There was an actual application in one of the previous
>>             rounds. The applicant even paid a fee, but never came to
>>             present.
>>             I personally helped to pen the GAC' s opposition statement
>>             to this application. This statement was, if memory serves
>>             me right, actually adopted by the Country Code TLD
>>             Registry Constituency, as it was then known, largely intact.
>>             Herewith the application list concerned:
>>             http://archive.icann.org/en/tlds/tld-applications-lodged-02oct00.htm
>>             regards
>>             --Calvin
>>             >From
>>         http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/icann/la2000/archive/scribe-icann-111500.html
>>         - the cc's report was summarised (Ben Edelmann had a habit of
>>         summing up what was actually said) as "African ICANN
>>         participants: Urge vigilance when delegating regional TLDs,
>>         especially regions without a developed Internet community. "
>>         Also:
>>         http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/icann/la2000/archive/scribe-icann-111400.html
>>         "
>>         C. ccTLD Constituency: Past 2 days with over 40 ccTLDs
>>         present, got substantial and sometimes unanimous consensus on
>>         4 items. Materials at http://www.wwtld.org .
>>         1. Contract for services between ccTLDs and ICANN.
>>         2. Discussed �best practice� document. Further discussion at
>>         10:30.
>>         3. Object to regional geographic names for new TLDs (�.africa�).
>>         "
>>         Seems even the ISP constituency got on board:
>>         "
>>         D. ISP Constituency: Tony Harris presenting.
>>         <SNIP>
>>         4. New gTLDs: Aware of concerns about .africa. Advise careful
>>         and deliberate rollout of new TLDs to cope with land rush
>>         problems. Concerned that review may have been biased. Expenses
>>         of process should be made public.
>>         "
>>         I can't find the GAC's letter - they had a habit of storing it
>>         on a separate server.
>>         regards
>>         --Calvin
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>>     /*Independent Consultant*/
>>     c/o DFID-Sierra Leone
>>     5 Off Spur Road, Wilberforce
>>     Freetown,SIERRA LEONE
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>>     /"The illiterates of the 21st century are not those who cannot
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> --
> Brian Munyao Longwe
> e-mail: blongwe at gmail.com <mailto:blongwe at gmail.com>
> cell:  +254715964281
> blog : http://zinjlog.blogspot.com
> meta-blog: http://mashilingi.blogspot.com
> "Give us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand
> for, because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything."
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