[AfrICANN-discuss] DCA expresses commitment to work with African ccTLDs

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 14:54:00 SAST 2011

Hi Lerato,

If you think honest discussion is heckling, then we disagree.

It is very easy to discuss concrete issues with me if you use facts and logic.

I am still waiting for your answers to my substantive queries, to wit;

How would DCA like the AU to approve letters of support for possible
.africa applicants?

Is DCA the same kind of company under Mauritius law as AfTLD?  If so,
who are the owners and financial backers of DCA?  If not, what type of
company is DCA?


"A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel

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