[AfrICANN-discuss] about .XXX

Baudouin SCHOMBE b.schombe at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 16:18:01 SAST 2011

actually, you're right to demand more caution. It's more  busness than
negative educational impact for certain cultural values ​​in some
communities in this case, Africa. Despite a very controversial debate we had on
this, we were almost humiliated for giving a contrary view about this site.


Téléphone mobile:+243998983491/+243811980914
email                  : b.schombe at gmail.com
blog                    : http://akimambo.unblog.fr
Site Web             : www.ticafrica.net

2011/3/14 Maye diop <mayediop at gmail.com>

> ICANN will vote on SFO for .XXX.
> Most of countries are against this string but GAC haven't express an
> opposition because of luck of concensus.
> Many countries want to be neutral and only 4 developing countries are here.
> We really need to enhance participation because they will take the decision
> and the only one perspective we will have is to block this GTL and they will
> say that we are not on constructive way to build an open access to internet.
> We should be very carefull on this issue.
> Best Ragards,
> --
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> ---------------------
> Mme Ndéye Maimouna DIOP DIAGNE
> Directrice des TIC
> Ministère des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication
> Rue Béranger Ferrault x Amadou Assane Ndoye -
> Standard : 221- 338- 89-17-15
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