[AfrICANN-discuss] IDN ccPDP

Anne-Rachel Inné annerachel at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 18:49:35 SAST 2009

Dear all,

The IDN ccPDP has now formally been launched (see

As outlined in the PDP document, two Working Groups need to be formed
in order to proceed with the work.

Working Group 1 to is to report on and identify a feasible policy for
the selection and delegation of IDN ccTLDs associated with the
territories listed in the ISO 3166-1 (IDN ccTLDs) within the framework
of the IDN ccPDP.

(Working Group 2 will deal with the changes to Article IX and relevant
Annexes in the Bylaws and will not be formed until October 2009).

The ccNSO is therefore now seeking membership for Working Group 1.

The Working Group is foreseen to have 10 members in total + the ccNSO Chair.

Two ccTLD managers - or their nominees - from each of the five ICANN
Geographic Regions are needed to form this group. If there are less
than two ccTLD nominations from a geographic region, the vacancy can
be filled by a nominee from another geographic region (to be selected
by the ccNSO Council).

In the even that there are three or more ccTLD nominations from the
same Geographic Region, the ccNSO Council will decide which nominees
shall be appointed to the Working Group.

If you are interested in participating in IDN ccPDP Working Group 1,
please let me know by email until the 24th April 2009. Your ccTLD does
not need to be a ccNSO member in order to participate.

Kind regards,

Gabi / ccNSO Secretariat

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