[AfrICANN-discuss] Is this becoming a joke?

alain aina aalain at trstech.net
Thu Nov 6 11:28:32 SAST 2008

This seems to be a characteristic  african  layer 9+  battle.


On Nov 4, 2008, at 3:59 PM, Louis Tsebele wrote:

> I think thers is a need for further understanding on this list and  
> in the community of
>  what is  going on about the  so called dotArica project. I come  
> across the message
> below from Sophia Bekele about a supposedly Interference of ICANN  
> staff in DotAfrica
> initiative!
> The lady is complaining about the interference of Ms. Richell in the  
> dot Africa
> initiative (well first of all this is still an initiative and not a  
> bid nor a proposal so I see no
> point to start with) but this looks strange for me since that same  
> person Sophia has
> publicly  stated during ICANN meeting in Paris something like:
> "... But when I have come into the ICANN community, I have talked to  
> Anne-Rachel
> and Mouhamet Diop, and in an effort not to duplicate any other  
> initiatives, we
> have decided to continue putting this initiative together". I read  
> this as if she has requested
> the support of some ICANN officials for her initiative including  
> Anne Rachel  ... knowing
> that there could be conflict of Interest?
> https://par.icann.org/files/paris/Paris-ICANNPublicForum-25JUN08.txt
> This same person again, on the powerpoint of her dotAfrica  
> initiative at:
> http://www.dotafrica.blogspot.com/ on page 14 have listed Afristar  
> Organisations
> such as AfriNIC as interested Sponsors  ... but on other hand she  
> seems to
> be the one behind the ban of AfriNIC meeting in Ethiopia because of  
> AfriNIC
> suporting the Afstar  dotAfrica proposal...
> So After attacking AfriNIC, now she is attacking ICANN staff. Is she  
> really
> serious about what she is doing?  I guess the next time it won't be  
> the whole
> Technical community which will sue.
> Dear Africa Friends let be careful about which image we are showing  
> of our dear
> continent! I don't know who that lady is, but please stop her for  
> creating so much
> confusion and damage to people who are trying to do things.
> =====
>> From: Sophia Bekele <sophiabekele at yahoo.com>
>> Date: 31 October 2008 00:00:22 GMT+02:00
>> To: <snip>
>> Subject: Complaint letter - Interference of ICANN staff in the  
>> DotAfrica initiative
>> <snip>-
>> How are you?
>> My guy sent this email
>> accidental including your names in the Board list.  I gave him your
>> address, cause I wanted you to be informed since dotafrica is
>> gtld, however, we were suppose to sent it via a separate cc.
>> Since we do not want to antagonize the Board,
>> we want to give them a chance to respond  before it goes anywhere, so
>> I wish to express this to you by sending you this separate email  
>> and for this
>> info is not to be for public consumption at this time.
>> Therefore, can you please keep this info
>> Thank you ahead and see you all in Cairo.
>> Respectfully,
>> Sophia
>> ----- Forwarded Message ----
>> From: <snip>
>> To:<snip>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 8:44:06 PM
>> Subject: VERY URGENT- CONFIDENTIAL: Complaint letter - Interference  
>> of ICANN
>> staff in the DotAfrica initiativeVery
>> 29
>> October 2008
>> Hon. Chairman, Peter Dengate Thrush:
>> I have been instructed by Sophia Bekele,
>> Executive Director of DotAfrica project to send to you
>> the attached document regarding the above subject Complaint letter  
>> - Interference of ICANN staff in the DotAfrica initiative
>> The email attachment contains the following
>> and we have sent a corresponding fax to your office:
>> Letter of complaint for DotAfrica
>>                 Forensic
>> and media evidence on Ms. Richells activities in collaboration with  
>> Afri*
>> sabotaging our DotAfrica initiative
>> A carbon copy of the above documents have
>> been sent via email and fax to the following individuals:
>>         * Distinguished Board of Directors, Internet Corporation  
>> for Assigned Nams & Numbers (ICANN )
>>         * Ombudsman Office, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names  
>> and Numbers (ICANN)
>>         * Mr.Nebiyu Yosef, B.S; MSEE, Coordinator (dot.africa)
>>         * Mr.Ephrem Beyene, B.S., Secretary (dot.africa)
>> Please your Hon., accept Ms. Bekele's regards.
>> --------------
>> Project Coordinator (DotAfrica)
>> nyosef at dotconnectafrica.org
>> http://www.dotconnectafrica.org/
> -- 
> John L. Tselebe
> Internet Policy Analyst
> ACFI - Internet for all in Africa
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