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[rpd] AFRINIC PDWG Co-Chair Selection Candidates Matrix

Mirriam mirriamlauren at
Sat May 21 10:32:08 UTC 2022

 Dear Emem,
Your petty comments aside. Let us stick to facts. 
Mr. Faruk endorsers in terms of nominator and seconder are not registered contacts as per the matrix.
J. The intended volunteer must be endorsed and/or nominated by a registered contact of an  AFRINIC Resource Member.
Failure to follow basic rules is vote of no confidence.
PDP does not require Professors. The co-chairs role is that of an administrative function and Darwin as co-chair has done this pretty well in the past two PPM as attested by others on the list.

    On Saturday, May 21, 2022, 12:48:42 PM GMT+3, Emem William <dwizard65 at> wrote:  
 Dear Mirriam,
The fact that you, Caleb, Jordi and some few others did not like the former co-chair does not mean he was a disaster. Anyway you are entitled to your opinion about him and I leave it at that since your opinion does not translate to money in the bank. At least for a fact and from all indications, I know that @Caleb has always been jealous of his success and would always stop at nothing to pull him down; I cannot be surprised by whatever he says. Caleb, just keep grinding, one day your efforts might pay off. I am sure that if we dig into yours too, we will see some personal interests in it.
To the real issues.1. The criteria that co-chairs should be nominated by a resource member was disagreed to in here, therefore it cannot be used. 
2. Policy liaison needs to tell us who the nominators of his forms are and they verified that they are not admin contact of resource members. Below is the message I got from the person who did the nomination word for word:" Don't mind Afrinic staff, they are acting as 3rd force here. The two nominees are resource members; the 1st was by Econet SA and the Second nominee was clearly Unilorin. Both are resource members. They just need to do their homework properly. They were asking for personal information in the forms. Afrinic staff just need to do their homework properly. We do not deal with that on the mailing list."
This, I believe, is not only written in simple English but is also self explanatory.
On Fri, 20 May 2022 at 22:12, Mirriam <mirriamlauren at> wrote:

Hello Emem and PDWG
Going by criteria J.
J. The intended volunteer must be endorsed and/or nominated by a registered contact of an  AFRINIC Resource Member.
Your dear Mr.Faruk nominators and seconders don't even exist as per the matrix. 

Just to note that the PDP does not need such academic qualification. You remember we had one of the recent past co-chairs who is a Dr. PhD. The PDP turned out to be a complete total disaster for the PDWG participants.
The PDP is not about being an academic Dr. or Prof with PhDs. The PDP is about understanding how to gauge consensus and how to follow the PDP as a co-chair and this does not need what you are talking about Mr.Faruk as his academic qualifications are outside the scope of the PDP.
I have been attending the past two PPM where Darwin has been cochair and I am confident like many other participants in his ability.
I will go with Darwin based on real data and his performance.

Seems like Titles are a thing now, please allow me.
MirriamDaughter of the NileThe Nubian QueenThe Last of the Dora Milage Warriors
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 5:59 PM, Emem William<dwizard65 at> wrote:   _______________________________________________
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Emem E. William. OND (Computer Science), BSc (Telecommunication).Plan Control Manager (ISDP) at Huawei TechnologiesMember of IEEE, ISOCMember of Amnesty International.Phone: (+234) 703 370 7621.
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