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[rpd] More confusion from Noah

Fernando Frediani fhfrediani at
Sun Jul 4 14:04:20 UTC 2021

On 04/07/2021 06:32, Paul Hjul wrote:

> Firstly I'd appreciate it if you didn't mail me personally but rather

> kept the discussion properly within the group. I note the carbon copy

> to the group so I would see what is commented without it being sent

> additionally to my inbox. People who act in good faith are welcome to

> email me separately if they want to have a more personal discussion

> but I don't like emails from bad faith actors, crooks or liars.

What is the propose of this direct and personal attack towards Noah ?
If we use such words when we dislike other's people points we tend to
turn this forum in a very bad place.

I believe calling people crook and liar is not in accordance to multiple
points AfriNic Code of Conduct mainly I and III and should not be tolerated.

Therefore if this is not repaired by the author I want to call for the
attention of the Co-Chairs and Staff for this violation of Code of
Conduct as these situations should not be stimulated or tolerated.






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