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[rpd] Report from Recall Committee

Marcus K. G. Adomey madomey at
Wed Feb 17 22:47:11 UTC 2021


You wrote > I am one vote.

when voting is invoked and voting right has been granted to you.

You wrote >> One person. I do not single-handedly control the process here anymore than I control the process in the ARIN region as you point out above.

One person, one voice, never supposed to control any process..
Say your minds and thoughts, allow others to also express their views and accept dissent opinions and compromise. Welcome self determination

You wrote >> Why is it that you seek to silence my opposition?

Silent your opposition? Never, but as said above, you are just one voice which counts like others, and you should allow and encourage others, especially those who live or are operating in this region to also speak and live with the outcome.

Your opposition should not be a veto.

Enough with yourself righteousness


From: Owen DeLong <owen at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 9:55 AM
To: Marcus K. G. Adomey <madomey at>
Cc: rpd at <rpd at>; Fernando Frediani <fhfrediani at>
Subject: Re: [rpd] Report from Recall Committee

On Feb 15, 2021, at 04:57 , Marcus K. G. Adomey <madomey at<mailto:madomey at>> wrote:

Hi Owen,

You wrote (in italics)

Yes, and I’m quite certain numerous people, including John Curran himself could verify that I have long sought to change that fact and open the election of the AC to the broader community. I do not hold ARIN up as an example of perfection. It is a well functioning RIR with a vibrant and active community and a generally well functioning and collegial policy development process and community, but that does not mean that I necessarily agree with everything or feel that everything there is an ideal way to function.

Are you arguing that because I come from a region where the election of the leadership is flawed in the way you propose that I’m somehow expected to think that AFRINIC should embrace the same flawed process?

The current AC election mechanism is flawed according to you and I am sure there are others with different opinion on this. It has not been changed so far, does not prevent ARIN from being a well functioning RIR as you described.

You have not succeeded in convincing the ARIN community to change the AC election process, but you lived with it and accepted to be elected by this flawed process to serve as AC member.

I have not convinced the ARIN board to change the AC election process. Since it is not up to the community, I have not attempted to convince the community.

We all function in a variety of imperfect situations throughout our lives. I’m not sure how that is relevant here.

There is no perfect solution and each region is supposed to adopt what suits the best its context and obligation as RIR and adapt as it goes.

As you can see from this comparison
RIR Comparison Table – APNIC<>
ARIN Advisory Council. Documentation (NOTE: The ARIN AC is a substantially different body than the SIG/WG Chairs in other regions.); Term: The 15 members of the ARIN AC serve three-year terms. Nomination: A NomCom of seven representatives guides the nomination process.<>

⁃ One RIR elects AC members by general membership
⁃ One RIR appoints co-chairs by consensus
⁃ One RIR selects cochairs by voting of the policy working group and approves the election results via consensus and if failed to reach consensus, fallback to board...

What I am suggesting is that you give chance for this region to adopt something which has not created a drama at ARIN and is considered as possible solution to a recurrent problem this region is having.

And I am saying that I oppose it here just as I have opposed it in the ARIN region for the same reasons.

This doesn’t prevent it from happening here any more than it has prevented it in the ARIN region.

I am one vote. One person. I do not single-handedly control the process here any more than I control the process in the ARIN region as you point out above.

Why is it that you seek to silence my opposition?


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