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[rpd] Missing ratification request documents

lucilla fornaro lucillafornarosawamoto at
Tue Feb 16 09:58:07 UTC 2021

I support Owen's request! It shouldn't be a problem.


Il giorno mar 16 feb 2021 alle ore 13:54 Owen DeLong <owen at> ha

> The former working group co-chairs claim that they sent the notice for

> board ratification of two policies.


> Specifically:

> Board Prerogative

> Inter-RIR Transfer Policy


> The board claims that they did not receive it.


> Therefore I request that the co-chairs please re-send their email to board

> to this list and to the board

> so that we can all see the email in question and so that the board may

> proceed accordingly.


> Since this is an action of co-chairs taken prior to recall, there should

> be no problem with the co-chairs

> sending the document again.


> Owen



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