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Fernando Frediani fhfrediani at
Thu Nov 12 12:57:55 UTC 2020


I wanted to make an important note that perhaps may causing some
confusing and it is important make it clear for all. This has been
already said during the submit of the appeal but it seems it was
dismissed and there is a specific way either staff or Appeal Committee
wishes to read the CPM.

Appeals are _against a Co-Chair decision_ as per CPM 3.5.1 where it
says: "/A person who *disagrees with the actions taken by the Chair(s)*
shall discuss the matter with the PDWG Chair(s) or with the PDWG. If the
disagreement cannot be resolved in this way, the person may file an
appeal with an Appeal Committee appointed by the AFRINIC Board of

The appeal is against Co-Chais decision of declaration of consensus of
this Resource Transfer Policy.
As everybody knows there was quiet a bit of confusion while the proposal
was in one specific version, which is when they declared the consensus,
then after there have been "editorial changes" which even took time to
be published on Afrinic website and the same happened afterwards for
another version.

Appeal Committee shall not analyze the text of the proposal or its
merit, but if the decisions taken by the Chairs regarding a proposal
followed the CPM or not, so the version of the proposal doesn't really
matter, but the decision taken by the Co-Chairs at some point in time.
I hope this make sense for people supporting this appeal and that Appeal
Committee can focus on analyzing if Co-Chais decisions violated CPM or not.


On 12/11/2020 08:30, wafa Dahmani wrote:

> Dear Community,


> This is to inform you  that the appeal committee has published the

> timeline for processing on appeals :

>  1. Non-consensus on AFPUB-2018-GEN-001-DRAFT06 (Abuse Contact Policy

> Update – Draft 6)

> 2. Non-consensus on AFPUB-2019-GEN-006-DRAFT02 (RPKI ROAs for

> Unallocated and Unassigned AFRINIC Address Space – Draft 2)

> 3. Non-consensus on AFPUB-2020-GEN-001-DRAFT01 (Policy Compliance

> Dashboard – Draft 1)

> 4. Consensus on AFPUB-2019-GEN-002-DRAFT02 (Resource Transfer Policy)

> 5. Consensus on AFPUB-2019-V4-003-DRAFT04 (Resource Transfer Policy)


> under the following link:



> <>


> Best Regards

> Wafa Dahmani

> Chair of the Appeal committee



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