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Noah noah at
Mon Oct 19 08:37:29 UTC 2020

On Sun, 18 Oct 2020, 22:25 Ekaterina Kalugina, < at> wrote:

> .



> There may be thousands. The community keeps telling you that there has to

> be a transfer policy as soon as possible,


As soon as possible doesn't mean hack through the process instead of
following the PDP.

otherwise the economy of the region could be negatively affected.


You continue to mislead and lie again. Please show how the economy of
Africa will be negatively affected? Give us some economic statistics if you

Even if you do not see it like this, when someone is proposing a way of

> eliminating a potential danger and create the safe net - we should listen.


This is classic propaganda and sort of rhetoric common with politicians. We
are internet folk.

This would be in the spirit of the law.


Not with a proposal that lacks reciprocity as confirmed by ARIN folk and is
open ended with full of ambiguity that opens up a lot of room for abuse
while having substantial unaddressed objections from the working group
coupled with Afrinic staff concerns.

> In addition, if there is anything this COVID crisis had taught us is that

> preventative measures are always better than damage control.


There you go again with the Covid excuse but just so you know, in Africa we
are resilient.

FWIW, we are talking IPv4 numbers and last I checked they dont cause a

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