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[rpd] chars decisions on the open mic

Thu Sep 17 13:10:26 UTC 2020

Hi chairs, all,

I'm very confused, with the process that it has been followed, but may be is not so easy on-line.

So, to make sure and avoid misunderstandings, I will like to ask the chairs to urgently post a detailed email for every policy proposal in the list (in different emails per proposal, otherwise, the responses from authors will have all the same subject and will become a mess), writing down all your inputs via email to the list, what are valid and what are invalid objections, so the authors con confirm their intent to resolve them.

I got audio spikes and lost some of them and this will allow authors to respond to those. some of the objections that I understood from you that are "valid" are "invalid" for example the bylaws talk about "at least" for the number of PDP meetings, so this can't be a valid objection and I clarified it in the list, my presentation and the chat!


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