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[rpd] Anonymity & Profiling Internet Community Members?

Sylvain Baya abscoco at
Sat Aug 29 20:07:17 UTC 2020

Hi RPD-ers,

2020-08-29 18:24 UTC+01:00, Fernando Frediani <fhfrediani at>:

> Why would we ever accept anonymous participation, really ?


Dear Fernando,
Thanks for your interesting reaction, brother.


> People are free to put up their own opinions and participate whenever

> they like with no previous censorship, but they should put up their

> faces up so everybody can know who they are.


Your point is noted, with thanks !


> If someone is hiding for whatever reason there is something wrong.


...for sure, but from which side? remember Snowden's story...

It might speak to us much...right ?


> Personally I beleive what matters the most for any policy proposal is

> the quality of the arguments and points raised by that person,

> regardless if he/she is well known or a newbie, if is a woman or a man,


This is really interesting, because it's not the first time i read this today.

...then, if all what count is the value of one's arguments; then what's
the *real* concerns behind the *anonymity* in this *part* of the whole
*Internet community*?


> but in order to be able to participate on any discussion anyone should

> identify themselves. What's wrong with it and why encourage anonymity ?


...noted too ;-)

Remember: i'm not trying to push any thing; but let's be clear:

i, humbly, want to understand how we (PDWG:=from Internet community?)
could conciliate these three concepts: *anonymity*, *Internet community*;
and *transparency*; in order to avoid to not allow some legitimate Internet
community members to freely participate as they can in other Internet...
~°~ it possible ? that's another question!

For me, it's sufficient to definitely clarify how we decide to deal with
*anonymity* and add it into the CPM (Consolidated Policy Manual) :-)

...while following the PDP (Policy Development Process), surely ;-)

Blessed saturday !



> Fernando


> On 29/08/2020 13:35, Sylvain Baya wrote:

>> Dear RPD-er,


>> Hope you are healthy !


>> [...]




Best Regards !
baya.sylvain [AT cmNOG DOT cm] | <> |
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