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Benjamin Investor investor0189 at
Thu Aug 6 19:06:22 UTC 2020

Dear Jordi,
Thank you for your email. Thank you for mentioning the fact that election
is a community issue. The board has no role in PDP process execpt to
approve the final proposal sent to them by the chairs. what process is the
board setting up? We need to be very careful here. Today you are
proposing that the board should dictate how PDWG election should be
conducted so that your proposal that was unanimously rejected be passed
through the back door. Untill when the process is passed by the community
it cannot be implemented.
What I can see here is an attempt by AFRINIC to connive with Jordi and his
friends to pass a policy unanimously rejected by the community through the
back door in the name of COVID 19. Online elections are allowed by the
current policy but it must be carried out as specified in the election
guideline circulated when we opened nomination and the current policy.
Jodie you said the PDP does not tell us how to conduct elections. Can you
answer the following questions
1. Who has the power to varry the PDP process. Has the CEO and the board
carried the co chairs along in these process.? If yes then they should come
out and tell us that they are varring the process.
2. Does the PDP define who the members of the PDWG are
3. Does the PDP tell us who are the members of the WG who can elect the
Please read the policy manual and answer these questions honestly.
I think the co chairs needs to come out and tell us the correct position of

Co chairs, it is your responsibility to determine how the election is going
to be conducted. You have the sole right to varry the process. Please do
not allow the likes of Jordi to come and carry out a coup here. Your job is
to guide the community as dictated by the policy manual. Co chairs you
can't sit on the fence on this issue cos it's an attempt to ridicle the PDP
process through the back door.

On Thu, Aug 6, 2020, 4:50 PM JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD <rpd at>

> Hi Benjamin,




> There is something that you’re probably missing.




> The PDP is short in the elections. The PDP doesn't state how the elections

> are done, only a very generic framework, so in that case all is up to the

> Board.




> The Board decided at some point to setup a process, and consequently the

> board is the one to modify the process.




> While I agree that this process should be managed by the community, in

> this situation we can’t do that, so we should keep the process in the way

> the Board decided and work towards a real community decided process.




> This is why, without having the crystal ball and consequently not knowing

> about the coming Covid-19 pandemic, in November 2019, we started to work in

> a complete proposal for this “*Chairs Elections Process*”:








> The authors are right now working in updating this proposal, so I will

> suggest that we could invest some time in discussing it, so we can send a

> new version in a few days.




> Regards,


> Jordi


> @jordipalet








> El 6/8/20 17:33, "Benjamin Investor" <investor0189 at> escribió:




> Dear CEO,


> Thank you for the email and the wonderful job you have been doing since

> appointed. However regarding your email, I totally disagree with you based

> on the following


> 1. The guiding book of PDWG is the CPM and not the CEO's decision.


> 2. The CPM is clear on who is a member of the PDWG. The CPM states clearly

> that Any person who has joined the making list is a member of if the

> working group.


> 3. The CPM is also clear the chair is elected by members of the working

> group.


> 4. There is no where in the CPM where there is a 6 months rule on voting

> therefore the rule cannot be created now. You cannot change the goalpost at

> the middle of the game. The election guideline issues at the time of

> nomination process is very clear as to how the election would take place.

> This is by shoe of hand. Show of hand can also be done online


> 5. How can the AFRNIC determine that the increase in mailing list is

> because of elections. We all know that as a result of COVID 19 everyone is

> now moving online are you saying we would not deny this people the option

> to vote? We definitely cannot do that. For example I have been on the

> mailing list in the past and I opted out because of all the confusing and

> abuse always happening and I joined back again last week are you now going

> to deny me and others like me the opportunity to vote? This seams like an

> attempt by AFRINIC to rig the election in favour of the some groups.


> 6. You made reference to other RIR can you please mention one RIR that has

> the 6 months rule in place before Thier online election. ?


> 7. I think AFRINIC needs to be careful. AFRINIC staff is expected to be

> neutral in all cases and if Afrinic staff are now judging new members as to

> Thier motive of joining the WG this is not ideal.


> Thank you


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