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[rpd] Larus foundation and Afrinic PDP

Tom Ochang dontommy24 at
Thu Feb 20 16:30:41 UTC 2020

I wish to state that anyone with evidence incriminating against Larus
foundation or any other organisations sponsoring Persons to
Afrinic/Aid/Afnog should forward same to the appropriate agency for
investigation and probable prosecution because this discussion has turned
to petty gossip against Larus foundation. I think a thread has begun about
police investigation report in the community, I wish to say we wait for the
final outcome of the report. My submission


On Thu, 20 Feb 2020, 15:08 Noah, <noah at> wrote:

> Owen,


> We will have to agree to disagree.


> Nothing personal here. This community is discussing a special threat to

> its PDP and the management of scarce IPv4 resources meant to be used to

> develop Internet networks in our region.


> It's not surprising if you don't see things as some of us from the region

> do, which is normal considering your origin and the conflict of Interest

> you find yourself in.


> What we expect from a senior community member and an ARIN AC member is

> more advocacy of best practices and technical leadership. Naturally, in a

> conflict situation the option of recusing oneself may be more prudent than

> this back and forth.


> We wish to empower the organisation to do the right things and encourage

> members to collaborate, submit to review, show compliance to policies and

> other regulations and protect the PDP.


> The rest of elaborate arguments and discussions do not help this community

> to advance.


> This will be my last comment on this abuse of pdp for now.


> Noah


> On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 12:43 AM Owen DeLong <owen at> wrote:




>> On Feb 19, 2020, at 06:20 , Noah <noah at> wrote:




>> On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 10:07 AM Owen DeLong <owen at> wrote:




>>> On Feb 17, 2020, at 21:47 , Omo Oaiya <Omo.Oaiya at> wrote:



>>> On 14 Feb 2020, at 21:13, Owen DeLong <owen at> wrote:


>>> I can’t speak for the foundation, but my best guess is they chose not to

>>> engage to avoid dignifying the accusations.



>>> --


>>> On 17 Feb 2020, at 21:03, Owen DeLong <owen at> wrote:


>>> It is not the goal or intent of Larus foundation to undermine anything.

>>> We are, exactly as Daniel said, providing opportunities for more Africans

>>> to participate in the AfriNIC process.



>>> Owen,


>>> I might have missed a mail somewhere. Do you also work for Larus

>>> foundation?


>>> The Larus terms and conditions for its fellowship are clearly suspect

>>> and indefensible especially after recent experiences. If you work for them

>>> and are towing the company line, I’d understand that you are singing to the

>>> tune of your paymaster. If not, it seems that you may have become part of

>>> the problem in worse ways than one can imagine.



>>> I do a small amount of consulting for Larus Foundation.



>> Ok now that this is clear, I now understand why you have been defending

>> this conjob.



>> Noah,


>> Is it impossible for you to carry on a discussion without ad hominem

>> attacks and libelous speech?


>> The consulting I do there is primarily aimed at keeping the fellowship

>>> program open, transparent, and community oriented. Amusingly, my efforts

>>> are aimed at ensuring that it does not become what it is accused of being.



>> It is already what it is being accused of being but you are already

>> conflicted and biased to see it. We have the so called "African Youths"

>> being paid USD500 in return for services rendered. The service that

>> according to previously published documents on list and other sources

>> clearly goes to undermine the policy development process and essentially

>> AfriNIC.....



>> Please show where and in which documents it “undermines the policy

>> development process and essentially AfriNIC”.


>> You continue to make these baseless allegations without offering any

>> proof or evidence. As if you think that continuing to repeat the same lies

>> over and over somehow makes them more true.


>> While I do understand the psychological effect that lies repeated often

>> enough tend to embed in peoples brains as fact, that becomes far less

>> effective when repeated calls for evidence to back up the allegations go

>> unanswered as is the case here.


>> If you are not seeing what is happening then its unfortunate…..



>> Time will tell. In the meantime, can we focus on evidence, fact, and a

>> collegial debate of the actual issues without resorting to ad hominem and

>> character assassination?


>> Thanks,


>> Owen



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