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[rpd] New Policies Implemented

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at
Fri Feb 7 06:48:09 UTC 2020

On 7 Feb 2020, at 2:07, Owen DeLong wrote:

> I will say that it should, IMHO, meet the following requirements:


> 1. Full functionality available over IPv6.

> 2. Ideally, also supports IPv4, but not a deal-breaker as far as I am

> concerned.

> 3. GIT-style version control

> 4. Side-by-side diff functionality in web interface.

> 5. Support for forking and pull requests.

> 6. Ability for any community member to autonomously create an account

> and get read/pull access to the repo.

without taking away any of the points raised in this thread, there’s
one thing you should also consider. AWS, and atlassian (bitbucket) are
notorious for not making their services available to *everyone* on the
internet. (ie. loosely termed “american sanctions”) and they
don’t seem to care to fix this, even when it’s been painstakingly
pointed out that they are incorrect.

if afrinic is going to do something (anything!) it needs to be
accessible to *EVERYONE* in the internet community. friends in sudan,
iran, yemen, myanmar, .. may want to contribute to/learn from any
discussions and *MUST* be allowed to.


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