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[rpd] Proposal Update received: Internet Number Resources Review by AFRINIC

Lee Howard lee.howard at
Tue Jun 25 12:03:19 UTC 2019

On 6/25/19 6:41 AM, Sander Steffann wrote:
> Hi Caleb,
>> So if I deduce your statement correctly, you are likely intimidating the entire community with the probability of litigation if the said INR review policy is passed and implemented by staff?
>> You might want to correct that wrong impression or feelings I might be having as a neutral community member?
> Litigation is one possible outcome, and according to Andrew very likely. But it is only a part of the cost. Let's take a step back and make an estimate of the cost of recovering resources as a whole. That should include administrative cost, legal cost (which can include litigation if the member doesn't let go of the resources willingly) etc. I think having a view on "recovery cost" as a whole would be beneficial to this discussion.

"Litigation" sounds scary, but is no more than someone saying, "I 
disagree with you about what this contract says; let's go ask a judge." 
It can get expensive (lawyers have a very high opinion of themselves and 
how much they're worth), yes. For what it's worth, once the first case 
is decided, it probably gets cheaper because there's a precedent for 
future courts to follow.

Have said that. . . if someone has addresses they're using 
inefficiently, wouldn't they be more likely to make more by selling to 
someone who will use them, rather than spend money trying to keep 
Afrinic from taking them back?


> Cheers,
> Sander
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