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[rpd] SL update policy, and its implication for a transition pool.

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at
Sun Dec 2 21:40:45 UTC 2018


i have a question for the authors of the “SL update policy”.  i’ve 
been told before that there isn’t a “transition only” pool set 
aside specifically, because this is supposed to be one of those things 
that was magically dealt with, “out of the /12”.  with your update 
the option to do this disappears.  and i don’t see another place for 
this  (although it’s quite possible that i’m missing something)

is this intentional?

fwiw, i support the _intent_ of the policy;  however, i do not think 
that this (the lack of a transition pool) was raised as a concern, if 
the update to SL was adopted as proposed.  i would have expected this, 
from the staff analysis.  (i am sure there might be more concerns too, 
if folks sat down and though about them…)

to be clear, i’m not asking for this to be included in your policy.  
just that a more thorough analysis be done.


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