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[rpd] FW: Opposition to the changes in the AfriNIC Soft Landing Policy

Badru Ntege badru.ntege at
Sun Dec 3 03:56:04 UTC 2017

Since these are expressions and the authors have chosen to use a channel out of the RPD then other members could see it as noise.
Appreciate and note the expressions however continue with information and discussion in the RPD.

Let’s not innovate creative channels.  There processes to introduce change if members wish to introduce petitions.


Sent from my iPhone

On 3 Dec 2017, at 03:24, Andrew Alston <Andrew.Alston at<mailto:Andrew.Alston at>> wrote:

There is nothing that *requires* it – there is also nothing that forbids it.

There was a discussion in various forums about how to handle this – and various ISP’s have opted to rather sign the petition document and have to forwarded to the list by a single individual – they wish to partake but do not wish to put up with the noise on this list, so, they are choosing to express their views in their own way.

Since each of them is a paying member, and each of them is impacted by policy, I believe they should be free to express their views in any way they wish, and if that is by signing a petition document and having someone else send it through to the list, I hardly see a reason to stop it.



From: Alan Barrett [mailto:alan.barrett at]
Sent: 02 December 2017 11:37
To: Afrinic RPD <rpd at<mailto:rpd at>>
Subject: Re: [rpd] FW: Opposition to the changes in the AfriNIC Soft Landing Policy

> On 1 Dec 2017, at 15:45, Andrew Alston <Andrew.Alston at<mailto:Andrew.Alston at>> wrote:
> Please see attached.
> By agreement I will be sending these signed documents through as they come in from the various parties.

I don’t know what agreement you mean.

I am not aware of anything in the policy development process or the appeal process that requires signed documents similar to those I have seen in the past day or so. If people have objections to a policy proposal, I would suggest that they follow the existing process and make their comments in the RPD mailing list.

Alan Barrett

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