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[rpd] IPv4 Soft Landing BIS

Andre van Zyl vanzyla at
Mon Aug 7 12:55:27 UTC 2017

> On 07 Aug 2017, at 09:51, Andre van Zyl <vanzyla at> wrote:
> > FTTH is an area where IPv6 can be and is successfully deployed. 
> depends on the deployment.  vumatel, who is rapidly taking over a large segment of the consumer ftth market, doesn’t have this on their radar.
> (i asked, since the building that i live in, uses their ftth services.)

I am not close to the FTTH market, but I am starting to see that now. After my mail this morning I thought I'd actually try and get some stats around v6 support on FTTH in SA. I mailed a bunch of contacts at different transport providers to see if anyone was offering v6 handoff to ISPs. Had three replies and I'm 0/3 so far... Disappointing!

I didn't ask my contacts this, but it did make me wonder, is this due to apathy towards v6 on their part, or lack of demand from ISP's?

Andre van Zyl <vanzyla at>

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