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[rpd] Blocks for code of conduct violation

Noah noah at
Fri Aug 4 08:04:01 UTC 2017

On 4 Aug 2017 10:54 a.m., "Christian Ahiauzu" <
christian.ahiauzu at> wrote:

Dear CEO,

Your action is a welcome development and I must applaud it. However, I
think its a little belated.

I don't know how possible that is, but I believe that either you or the
rest of AfriNIC staff have been following all lists. If so, you will agree
with me that a lot of violation of the code of conduct document you quoted
has been going on with no action taken by AfriNIC. There has probably been
words far worst than this one sited. And by the way, unnecessarily lengthy
right ups are also a violation.

I would therefore appeal to you, so your action is not misjudged. How about
making a solid proclamation that henceforth all such violations of
misconduct will no longer be tolerated. After this proclamation, you can
then start monitoring the list and carrying out the necessary action
required. At this, no one will look at it as though you were particular
about a person. This is just my humble appeal. Kindly consider.

Hi Alan

On this one I have to agree with Christian. The intension is good but it
also seems like selective persecution.

I can go into the archives and pull out all sorts of crazy words that have
been used on this list and goodness you will be suprised how many get under
moderation especially those who are quick to call for or invoke the CoC.

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