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[rpd] Lame Delegations in AFRINIC Reverse DNS Proposal

Adnan RIHAN axel50397 at
Wed May 31 07:26:55 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,

After few clarifications, here are my thoughts:

- I agree with the general idea of the proposal, we need to clean the db
once in a while.
- I don’t agree with authors saying it will be effective, because as one of
our fellows from other RIRs, it would be hard to correctly define a lame as
a lame. It’s not because others have 0 lames that it’s effective. Their
LIRs/End-Users/techs may be just more careful.
- I agree with Alain and another one (sorry I didn’t get your name) saying
that it’s an operational issue, let the whois as it is, block the
delegation implementation if it’s a lame.

- Maybe we need a policy to check the contacts once a year
- Authors could specify that the lameness should be tried at a particular
frequency, let’s say when the record is aged every 6 months or year. Then
for 3 or 5 days it’s rechecked.

Just ideas.
Cordialement, Adnan RIHAN

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On 31 mai 2017 at 09:23:15, Mark Elkins (mje at wrote:

I agree with this Policy. It should simply be passed and implemented. I
don't think much needs to be said otherwise.

On 29/05/2017 17:03, Dewole Ajao wrote:
> Policy proposal and Staff analysis are at
> Please reply within this thread to submit your comments.
> Regards,
> PDWG Co-Chairs.
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