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[rpd] Fwd: Our Cameroon case as one case study in solving an Internet shutdown in a country.

Dewole Ajao dewole at
Tue May 30 18:04:01 UTC 2017

Thank you, Janvier. I believe the community-discuss list (where you have already shared this communication) is a more appropriate platform if this is intended for discussion. 


From: "Janvier NGNOULAYE" <jnoulaye at> 
To: "rpd" <rpd at> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 3:14:12 PM 
Subject: [rpd] Fwd: Our Cameroon case as one case study in solving an Internet shutdown in a country. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
From: Janvier NGNOULAYE < [ mailto:jnoulaye at | jnoulaye at ] > 
Date: 2017-05-30 16:29 GMT+03:00 
Subject: Our Cameroon case as one case study in solving an Internet shutdown in a country. 
To: [ mailto:ais17-announce at | ais17-announce at ] , General Discussions of AFRINIC < [ mailto:community-discuss at | community-discuss at ] > 

Our Cameroon case as one case study in solving an Internet shutdown in a country. 
The facts: 
- in november 2016 the government of Cameroon shut down Internet in two regions in Cameroon 
- in december I convened the ISOC Chapter Officers meeting to noting and deploring that government action, 
- in january 2017, I convened the Chapter board meeting to reacting against that action of the government, that board meeting ended up with 2 main actions: - a) one statement in line with the ISOC vision, -b) and a letter to the government through the Minister of telecommunications. You can read that statement below, which had been sent to various mailing lists. The 2 pages letter sent to the government mentionned the impact of that shutting down on the national economy, with the advices, recommandations and training tracks, to solve the issue for the sake of every stakeolder. (I can share that letter to the government with you inbox) 
- As the Chapter is part of the steering committee of the Internet exchange point of Cameroon (CAMIX), I also raised the issue with the ISP during one of the CAMIX monthly meeting, where the members strongly supported that Chapter statement on the matter. 
- At the same time, other national civil organizations and abroad also raised up the statement against that suspension of the Internet. 
- With all these actions, the governement removed the suspension of Internet in April and today the Internet is working every where around the country. 
A lesson learn here is that, as an ISOC Chapter, we did not only make a statement against the suspension, but we also met the goverment and the ISP with advices and practical recommandations. In the meantime, we did not make any insult word to them because of their action. Our approch was more collaborative with all the stakeolders. 

Unfortunately some misinformation and misunderstanding have been circulated saying that I supported the suspension of the Internet. Please, do not trust thoses wrong informations on me. My committement so far is to work and will continue to work for the open access of Internet for everyone and erverywhere as well at the national and regional level as at global level. 
Hopefuly that this mail clarified everything now . 

I remain at your disposal to give more details you may need. 
Warm regards 

Dr. Janvier Ngnoulaye 
Senior Lecturer of Computer Science and Educational technology 
University of Yaounde I, Cameroon 
Executive Committee member of the Internet Exchange Point of Cameroon 
President of ISOC Cameroon Chapter 
Tel: [ tel:6%2077%2072%2003%2034 | +237 677 72 03 34 ] 

---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
From: Janvier NGNOULAYE < [ mailto:jnoulaye at | jnoulaye at ] > 
Date: 2017-02-03 13:56 GMT+03:00 
Subject: Statement and clarifications of ISOC Cameroon on the Internet shutdowns in Cameroon 
To: Internet Governance < [ mailto:governance at | governance at ] >, willi uebelherr < [ mailto:willi.uebelherr at | willi.uebelherr at ] > 
Cc: ISOC Internet Policy < [ mailto:internetpolicy at | internetpolicy at ] > 

​ Dear Internet member Community, 
Many misundertanding have been circulated throught lot of mailing lists about the Internet shutdowns in Cameroon. 
Please note that. 
1) ISOC Cameroon Chapter with all the members do not support any form of Internet shutdowns. 
2) After the Annual General Assembly hold on 28 january 2017, the members of the Chapter condemned that action in Cameroon and took the resolution to engage in conversations with the government. We will keep you updated on the development undertaken. 
3) ISOC Cameroon Chapter is in line with the statement that Internet Society published as a reference for such matters ( [ | ] ) 
Thank you for any support and advice to us on the ground. 

Janvier Ngnoulaye, Ph.D 
ICT Teacher at the University 
President of the ISOC Cameroon Chapter. 
Activist of "The Internet is for everyone" 
[ | ] 
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