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[rpd] Accountability assessment - PDP review?

sm+afrinic at sm+afrinic at
Tue Oct 25 22:50:36 UTC 2016

Hi Omo,
At 00:05 25-10-2016, Omo Oaiya wrote:
>While the new PDP succeeded in addressing #1 and #2, it has not 
>addressed #3 and #4.


>- It also did not describe the process for determining "rough consensus".


>The policy discussions at AFRINIC-24 is a perfect 
>illustration.  Another easy example is that since AFRINIC-24, there 
>has been little discussion on proposals which were sent back on 
>mailing list for further discussions as per meeting minutes 
>and no action from the working group co-chairs.

Thank you for sharing the link to the minutes.  I was waiting to read 
about what happened at that meeting.  I gather that the the Working 
Group Chairs did not consider it useful to share it on this mailing 
list.  There is a mistake in Section 2 of the minutes.

At the end of the meeting, the CEO of Afrinic Ltd commented that the 
way consensus was taken looks like voting.  I agree with that comment.

I assume that you have experienced a PDP-related problem.  If that is 
the case, there is a solution to that problem in the mailing list archives.

S. Moonesamy 

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