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[rpd] Statistics on IPV4 allocation in Africa as of 2016

Noah noah at
Mon Jun 20 11:15:27 UTC 2016

On 20 Jun 2016 13:54, "Fabian Jr" <afabbie at> wrote:
> Alain what do you mean by making IPv6 Optional for new comers ? i thought
IPv6 to be a MUST for new comers/applicants !

If i understood Alain correctly.

Obviously, new comers (End Users) wont have an IPv6 infrastructure deployed
in their new network in which case, the creteria for allocation wont take
into consideration the fact that they must prove that IPv6 has been
deployed in their network or core. They basically have nothing. Not even an
IPv6 allocation. [1]

That means a new end-user during the soft landing period will be treated as
such and hostmaster will allocate them both IPv4 and IPv6 and hurray happy

> Arbogast Fabian,
> cell:+255-78-447-8387


[1] Section 3.2 of Soft Landing -BIS Draft -02
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