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[rpd] Fwd: IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Charter

Alan Barrett alan.barrett at
Fri Nov 6 05:33:15 UTC 2015

FYI.  The NRO has published the final version of the charter for the IANA Numbering Services Review Committee.

Alan Barrett

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: German Valdez <german at>
> Subject: [NRO-IANAXFER] Final Version IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Charter
> Date: 6 November 2015 02:56:01 +0400
> To: <ianaxfer at>
> Hi
> Please refer to the last NRO announcement regarding the IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Charter
> Regards
> German Valdez
> NRO Secretary
> ====
> On 15 January, 2015, the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) Team submitted the Internet Number Community Proposal to the request for proposals issued by the IANA Stewardship Coordination Group (ICG).
> One of the key elements of the Internet Number Community Proposal, described in section III.A.4, is the establishment of a Review Committee to ensure that the service level defined in the proposed SLA for the IANA Numbering Services is maintained by the IANA Numbering Services Operator. Further description of the Review of IANA Numbering services is described in Article 8 of the draft SLA.
> On 23 June the NRO EC invited all interested parties to review and comment on the draft Internet Number Community Review Committee Charter.
> This draft is available at:
> The final Internet Number Community – IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Charter
> As a result of the public consultation of the draft Internet Number Community Review Committee Charter, the final Internet Community – IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Charter has been produced and is
> available at:
> For the sake of clarity, you can find a track changes version of the first draft against the final version at:
> Additionally, a document with the comments received during the consultation period and the responses is available at:
> Next steps
> The RIRs thank the community for its thoughtful comments. Each RIR community may now appoint their representatives to the IANA Numbering  Services Review Committee in accordance with the Charter.
> ===
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