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[members-discuss] [rpd] Privacy breach of nomcom2015's Mailing List

Seun Ojedeji seun.ojedeji at
Sun Jun 7 17:56:32 UTC 2015


I agree the folk could have informed AFRINIC staff. That said, the fact is
that he informed someone related to AFRINIC who inturn informed staff

Overall we can take it as lesson learnt on both sides and we thank god for
having one of the most successful and community engaging AGMM in the
history of AFRINIC.

sent from Google nexus 4
kindly excuse brevity and typos.
On 7 Jun 2015 18:49, "Noah Maina" <mainanoa at> wrote:

On 7 Jun 2015 19:32, "Owen DeLong" <owen at> wrote:
>> On Jun 7, 2015, at 05:35 , Noah Maina <mainanoa at> wrote:
>> On 7 Jun 2015 14:24, "Boubakar Barry" <boubakarbarry at> wrote:
>> >
>> > The most odd thing in this is the sharing of the archives with
_selected_ Board members. If there were no malicious intent, alerting the
CEO would have sufficed.
>> >
>> Of course that was rather odd....they should never have shared anything
no matter how bad with the said board members.....
>> Under normal organisation operational structure, stuff talk to their
managers who then talk to the CEO, who in turn has an audience with the
directors or the board if need be….
> The person who obtained the data was not AfriNIC staff. They were an
independent member of the community. Given that, how would you fit such a
person into that chain of command?

They should have obviously reported themselves to the AfriNIC stuff who
were on the ground at the time, who would then know what to do and not to
the supposed board member...

It's obviously all the mailing lists are managed by AfriNIC stuff and not
board members....


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