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[rpd] [afnog] IPv4 Allocations by Length Statistics for 2014

Leo Vegoda leo.vegoda at
Fri Nov 7 15:51:31 UTC 2014


You wrote:

> Seriously transparency triggers competition which is healthy for innovation 
> and
> self check for fraud and other frowned on vices. I stand to be corrected but
> within the scope of best practices and community engagement (e.g. adopting
> tested democratic methods) can we se the benefit of methods like;
> "Dear Members/ Community,
> Organisation X has requested /14 IPv4 resources to be used for providing 
> hosting
> services, Afrinic hostmasters has evaluated the initial resource request and 
> find
> it to be compliant with current policies for IPv4 allocation. In line with 
> allocations
> greater than or equal to /15 to be referred to the community for comments
> before approval the community is hereby welcomed to share its opinion 
> regarding
> this request"
> another example which may be implemented as quarterly summaryreports to
> the community

Almost everything you suggest here is already done. AFRINIC publishes 
statistics every day and they document the size and date of allocations and 
assignments. There's an explanation of what is published here:

and here is a yesterday's report:

The main difference is that the data are published as an archive of daily CSV 
files rather than e-mail announcements.


Leo Vegoda
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