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[rpd] AnyCast assignments - Update

Owen DeLong owen at
Tue Nov 4 22:18:52 UTC 2014

> On Nov 4, 2014, at 4:31 AM, Nishal Goburdhan <nishal at> wrote:
> On 04 Nov 2014, at 11:06, Mark Elkins <mje at> wrote:
>> I'm happy to make changes along the lines of what Nishal suggested...
>> that is:
>> Replace:
>> These resources must
>> be used for the sole purpose of anycasting web or authoritative DNS
>> servers as described in BCP126/RFC 4786
>> ( or for GPRS Roaming Exchange.
>> With:
>> These resources must be used for the sole purposes of providing anycast
>> services 
> don't forget the GRX ... 
> "...or GRX (GPRS Roaming Exchanges).”

I don’t think that applies to the Anycast policy. I think that applies to the critical infrastructure policy proposal.


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