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[rpd] Re: [afnog] What are the major challenges in enabling Services to run on IPv6?

Andrew Alston Andrew.Alston at
Tue Oct 28 05:05:33 UTC 2014

Hi There,

Couple of comments here.

Firstly,  I know at least one tertiary institution who is running IPv6 to
the edge all the way through the network.  Infact, the majority of their
traffic is on IPv6.  They however DID have a problem making things like
their web server run on IPv6 (so instead of doing what a lot of places do,
putting v6 on the core and on a couple of internet facing services), they
went the other way, enabled it to the desktop and the users and worry
about the rest afterwards.  (I did a presentation on this remotely during
the Khartoum meeting I believe).

With regards to the challenges, honestly, I believe its a resistance for
people to actually acknowledge its necessary and put in the time and
effort.  Technically, the challenges aren¹t huge.  With regards to
international content providers running in Africa (Akamai, Google etc),
most of these are IPv6 enabled already and work fine.  With regards to
providers, I see a lot of providers V6 enabling in the core, but there is
limited deployment to the edge and to the users.  Part of this is due to
lack of demand.

I can tell you that from our side, we are v6 enabled end to end, and we¹re
quite prepared to let any customer of ours who wants it have IPv6.  Its
there, its ready.  Getting customers to actually take it up and use it
though is a challenge.  That challenge also prevents a lot of providers
from actually putting in the effort (and sometimes expense) of rolling
IPv6 all the way to the edge with a lack of demand.  Its kinda a chicken
and egg situation for many, no IPv6 at the edge decreases the number of
people running IPv6, we decreases the demand for IPv6, which decreases the
motivation to roll IPv6 to the edge.

Just my thoughts

Andrew Alston
Group Head of IP Strategy

Sameer business Park, Block A, Mombasa Road. Nairobi, Kenya

T: +254 205000000 -  M: +254 733 2222 04 - E:
andrew.alston at

On 10/27/14, 9:01 PM, "Sunday Folayan" <sfolayan at> wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>Please talk to the Training folks at AfriNIC.
>They seem to have trained a lot of African businesses and
>Institutions, and should have ideas of where the shoe pinches.
>On 27/10/2014 10:59, Kofi ANSA AKUFO wrote:
>> Hello Folks,
>> What are the major challenges in enabling Services to run on IPv6
>> in our region?
>> Could a hierarchical (top - down) deployment strategy with respect
>> to connectivity and exchage of content be identified?
>> If yes which groups should be encourage to make the transition
>> (dual stack) first in our region? Are these groups IPv6 ready?
>> What about our tertiary institutions and Research and Education
>> Networks (RENs)? I recently noticed none of the top tertiary
>> instutuions have basic net services running on IPv6. See attached
>> except from some raw data gathered by a student.
>> Cheers
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