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[rpd] New proposal - "Out-Of-Region Use of AFRINIC Internet Number Resources" (AFPUB-2014-GEN-002-DRAFT-01)

Kofi ansa akufo kofi.ansa at
Sat Jul 19 23:49:42 UTC 2014

On 20 July 2014 02:43, Mark Tinka <mark.tinka at> wrote:

> On Sunday, July 20, 2014 12:32:34 AM Owen DeLong wrote:
> > Really? My perspective is quite the reverse. Such an
> > action can only really work in an environment of limited
> > or no competition. For circuit- based connections and
> > BGP, I would think that far more likely in the AfriNIC
> > service region.
> The reason I posited that this is more likely in America is
> because over the last years, the ideas about this have
> generally originated from there.
> To add, in my experience, the majority of BGP operators in
> Africa have not been battling with the reason the idea has
> come up in the first place; perhaps due to use of software
> routers which have enough RAM to handle the routing table,
> but don't need to be fast because bandwidth is still
> expensive, or use of hardware-based routers that have higher
> FIB limits than those in the global wild (young nations,
> less legacy).
> Mark most small to medium ISPs in our region have only one upstream
provider. As you know, in most cases of such peering the sub ISPs just
receive a default route and not the global table.

What I have seen is upstream ISPs and international carriers charging fees
when the sub ISPs request receiving the global routing table. There have
also been numerous occasions where such fees are charged given reasons like
"we also have to contact our upstreams to allow your prefixes".

Others also simply dont have well designed core networks to tunnel huge
global BGP table to their clients. Anyways these days many ISPs have
routing gears which could handle enough traffic than where fast FIB becomes
a problem as you pointed out. I do agree with you tough that having routing
gears with distributed FIBs implemented on ASICs (which are expensive to
own) for speed might be a better reason to charge the clients - BUT in many
cases as you stated it is not warranted.

> Naturally, this will change, but from what I've seen and
> heard from so far, few or no ISP's in Africa are hitting FIB
> walls that make this an idea worth considering at this point
> in time.
> As always, I stand to be corrected.
> Mark.
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