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[rpd] A typical conversation with a service provider on v6

Owen DeLong owen at
Wed Jun 18 08:42:34 UTC 2014

On Jun 18, 2014, at 12:48 AM, Seun Ojedeji <seun.ojedeji at> wrote:

> Hello Owen,
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 11:41 PM, Owen DeLong <owen at> wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2014, at 04:37 , Seun Ojedeji <seun.ojedeji at> wrote:
> +1 but realistically speaking is there anything like v6 only resource at the moment?
> I really need to put some more meaningful content there, but it's a start.
> Owen you are joking right? because i think its me and you that access that url. I am talking about commercial contents, content that has normally been accessed on v4 which has now become v6 only.

No content provider in their right mind would do such a thing. For a while, there was the IPv6 porn experiment, but it appears to have fizzled due to a number of technical and social engineering issues. You weren’t specific, so I provided a URL that met the description you provided.

> - IPv4 still got some life to live either by native or dual-stack 

I’m not sure I would call it life so much as continued existence.

(In America, it is a colloquialism to refer to a person living through the miracles of modern medicine with no possibility of restoration of any meaningful quality of life as “existing, not living”).

> - IPv6 deployment is increasing not in the “moving" direction for now, but in the integrating direction (dual-stacking)

True, which is what we really want to do so long as it is possible to do so. IPv6 only really isn’t desirable until IPv4 only systems are no longer relevant (by whatever definition of relevance applies to the set of hosts about to become IPv6 only).

> - While we integrate v6 in this region, we should not be distracted of the fact that we still need v4 to dual-stack. So keep an eye on, and grab your required v4 (now that its still available) before non-region v6 evangelists come grabbing your v4 space for export ;)

I don’t think it is the v6 evangelists that will be doing the grabbing you describe. If I wanted to plunder Africa’s IPv4 resources, I would have done it years ago. :p

> Region based ISPs this is your opportunity to expand to other region because you've got the resources they don't have. Institution, this is your opportunity to grab your own space before your upstream provider start charging you extra for an outdated 32bit number and before they start over NATing their services to you. 

Providers who are NATing your customers, this is your opportunity to stop doing them such a huge injustice.


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