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[AFRINIC-rpd] Summary as it stands on the Academic IPv4 Policy Proposal

Nii Narku Quaynor quaynor at
Thu Jun 27 10:24:27 UTC 2013

Did you concede you need caps for objection 1?

On Jun 27, 2013, at 10:12, Andrew Alston <alston.networks at> wrote:

> Hi Nii,
> See comments inline.
>> Objection 0 - obtaining resources with less than normal disclosure of
>> *need* relative  today's procedures? Question strongly if this is a
>> policy and if a solution is not workable by enhance procedures
> Will attempt to speak to this one in a separate email since its an answer
> I wish to consider fairly carefully before speaking rashly.
>> Large amount of resources not well monetized due in part to existing
>> favorable pricing policy for HEIs etc
> Again, the fees are the purview of the board.  If the board chooses in its
> wisdom to continue the discounts to the HEI's, or to adjust other pricing
> (v6 pricing etc), or whatever they choose to do with the financial model,
> that is not under the remit of the PDP.  Further more, at current
> allocation rates within the African space, while this may result in faster
> allocation of space at lower rates, there will still be some income
> generated rather than none with the current space sitting unallocated for
> the estimated 3 to 5 years it could sit otherwise.  In addition, based on
> the size of allocations of a normal tertiary institution, should AfriNIC
> get 70 applications as was their membership increase, even with the
> discounts applied the allocation fees (assuming certain things about the
> size of allocations), would be approximately double to three times the
> allocation fees generated by the previous 70 members joining.
>>> Are we inviting Government's
> We are not inviting anyone, but governments who are members are free to
> propose policy through the PDP as is anyone else, if they can get it
> passed through the consensus basis, then the will of the community will be
> done.  If that is not the will of the community, it will not happen.  This
> organisation is a community based one, let the communities will be heard
> through the processes.
> Thanks
> Andrew

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