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[AFRINIC-rpd] Re: PDP discussions

Nii Quaynor quaynor at
Wed Jun 26 14:08:13 UTC 2013

No one want police but when you come to a custodian to request resources in trust you would at least say want you plan to do with it not by population I hope

On Jun 26, 2013, at 13:48, Andrew Alston <alston.networks at> wrote:

> And Nii at this point I will question why AfriNIC *needs* to see my
> documented network.  AfriNIC is not the network design police, a lot of
> network design is very often company confidential anyway.  AfriNIC needs
> to know that the space allocated is being used on continent to address on
> continent infrastructure.  That is their mandate.
> They are not a repository of network designs, they are not a police force,
> they are there purely to ensure, is this space being used, is it being
> used in Africa and has the information about who is using it been properly
> inserted into the database.
> Andrew
> On 2013/06/26 3:55 PM, "Nii Quaynor" <quaynor at> wrote:
>> AfriNIC does not see your documented network; it sees bulk people in
>> justification and planned growth is in population growth not on a new
>> campus with interfaces, subnet etc
>> We are avoiding work so...
>> On Jun 26, 2013, at 13:31, Andrew Alston <alston.networks at>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Nii,
>>> I am a little confused as to how this policy would result in bad network
>>> documentation, can you please expand on that statement?
>>> Thanks
>>> Andrew
>>> On 2013/06/26 3:21 PM, "Nii Quaynor" <quaynor at> wrote:
>>>> On Jun 26, 2013, at 10:57, Badru Ntege <ntegeb at> wrote:
>>>>> On Jun 26, 2013, at 11:55 AM, Kennedy Aseda <kaseda at>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Albeit belated, I wish to state my support for the proposed policy
>>>>>> (AFPUB-2013-GEN-001-DRAFT-03).
>>>>>> HEI's are a catalyst to Internet penetration as well as testing of
>>>>>> new
>>>>>> technologies. Simplification of the application process will greatly
>>>>>> aid HEI's. 
>>>>> Simplification can be done without changing the rules of resource
>>>>> allocation.  Allocation by student population is just taking
>>>>> simplification to the extreme.
>>>> ...and would lead to bad network documentation
>>>>>> I support. 
>>>>>> Kennedy 
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