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[AFRINIC-rpd] Re: Address Supporting Organization

Douglas Onyango ondouglas at
Sun Feb 24 08:37:34 UTC 2013

> There seems to be a misunderstanding here.  I understand that the word "ASO"
> is used as described above.

Thanks --- good to know we are on the same page there.

>There was a
> response to the questions and the answers were clear.  Informative links
> were provided.  There wasn't any suggestion to "go and search for
> information on the web site".  The [ASO] Chair asked the [ASO] Secretariat
> to post some information in the interest of accountability and transparency.
> I only asked for that information as I could not find it on the web site.

Succinctly put: As a community member you expected myself and other
ASO reps from Africa to be more responsive and provide information
without "go check the site" --- and failure to do this, you construed
for lack off accountability ??

Very alarmist SM! :-) especially considering I responded
appropriately, or so I thought, to most of the queries you raised.
Nonetheless, I will comb through the site and/or mailing-list archives
to find the attendance register for 2012 and will send it to you.

Douglas Onyango | +256-772-712 139 | Twitter: @ondouglas
Life is the educator's practical joke in which you spend the first
half learning, and the second half learning that everything you
learned in the first was a joke.

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