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[AFRINIC-rpd] Academic IPv4 Allocation Policy Second Draft (AFPUB-2013-GEN-001-DRAFT-02)

Seun Ojedeji seun.ojedeji at
Mon Feb 11 14:24:36 UTC 2013

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 2:06 PM, gift <gift at> wrote:

> Like Seun asks, was the response from ari, AfriNIC official or unofficial?
> This has been responded to as quoted below:

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Anne-Rachel Inne <annerachel at>wrote:
Sorry Seun and All,

My bad, you can take it as an official AFRINIC staff speaking.



> GS
> On 11/02/2013 07:41 AM, Douglas Onyango wrote:
>> Anne et al,
>> I appreciate someone from AfriNIC taking the time to provide a second
>> dimension to this debate.
>> As should be apparent, this seems to be moving more and more away from
>> concrete policy and more into the administration of number resources.
>> To make both this and the policy track effective, I would like to call
>> for drawing of parallels here so the issues can be exhaustively
>> debated.
>> Now, to take on this administrative one: if I could summarize your
>> response, you are saying the following:-
>> 1. Yes, there are some delays with the administration of  INR
>> 2. The slow response of applicants in reverting to RFIs contributes
>> greatly to the long turnaround time.
>> 3. Language issues also contribute greatly to the delays in turnaround
>> time.
>> 4. There are also perception issues that makes the registry look worse
>> than it actually is.
>> I the above is accurate or close to accurate, may I suggest the follow
>> strategy in bringing change to the status quo:-
>> 1. Come up with improvement plans based on assessment of bottlenecks
>> in the current systems/processes
>> 2. Implement a plan to transform user perception
>> 3. Communicate
>> Regards,
>> On 10 February 2013 20:21, ari <sultane at> wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Allow me to pitch in here. I want to tell members and community that we
>>> are taking all complaints seriously. And all of us at staff level have been
>>> following the debate carefully.
>>> First though, I would like to remind all that not everyone on this
>>> continent is an English speaker. A few of our members do take time to read,
>>> understand and respond to questions on their requests. Becoming a member
>>> for some is a marathon yes, not because AFRINIC is not responsive but
>>> because dealing with an all English institution is a hurdle for them as
>>> AFRINIC material is not in their language.
>>> Because of that, people take time to find and provide the information
>>> requested. The team manages not only resources requests but also any other
>>> queries relating to resource management, recording assignments, utilisation
>>> of WHOIS, MYAFRINIC, Reverse DNS etc. As a result Member Services staff do
>>> spend time responding to and asking questions because of documentation
>>> provided in other languages also. They spend time explaining what the
>>> bylaws and RSA wording mean, they spend time checking into authenticity of
>>> material provided in English and other languages.
>>> And believe me you; I have seen cases of blatant fraud for the past 5
>>> months that I have been around or simple manufacturing of bad stories about
>>> AFRINIC’s work. The work behind is not as simple as people think and
>>> rambling and complaining are counterproductive when people think only of
>>> themselves and isolated cases. AFRINIC is a community and members driven
>>> organisation and we are here, committed to serve you all.
>>> Granted, there were issues of material that was asked for in particular
>>> cases that was perceived as intrusion and waste of time. Let me say that I
>>> actually support our RS team as this was a pattern of the same person
>>> asking resources for several different institutions and not providing what
>>> our RS team thought should be asked for. This has been taken care of and
>>> strict adherence to what policies ask for has been implemented.
>>> One way to deal with timeliness of responses may be to devise a ticket
>>> number that is also a queue number. We are looking into that. This will
>>> mean that all know that they will be responded to in the order their
>>> request came in. I do believe we have to stop the constant interference I
>>> have been seeing from all places on AFRINIC staff that results on RS team
>>> lack of concentration and
>>> loss of productivity often.
>>> Even before the complaints, we were reviewing processes internally and
>>> have corrected some of the perceived and actual issues, without
>>> jeopardising our adherence to policies. AFRINIC shall do what we have to
>>> do, be it SLAs or other things needed to make sure our processes are of
>>> help to our membership.
>>> We reiterate our commitment to make the registration process as smooth
>>> and as easy as it can get considering our policies. We are putting
>>> processes in place for that and I am here pleading for members and
>>> community’s help in telling us what they believe should be in place for the
>>> work that we do to be of help to them. For that to happen, we also plead
>>> for objective and non-passionate escalation of ‘issues’ given that we have
>>> a mechanism for that (and not privately talk to staff because people
>>> personally know them) if people perceive they are being treated
>>> unfairly/untimely by staff.
>>> Cheers,
>>> ar inne
>>> ______________________________**__
>>> From: Douglas Onyango <ondouglas at>
>>> To: Andrew Alston <alston.networks at>
>>> Cc: AfriNIC Resource Policy <rpd at>
>>> Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 4:21 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [AFRINIC-rpd] Academic IPv4 Allocation Policy Second Draft
>>> (AFPUB-2013-GEN-001-DRAFT-02)
>>> All,
>>> Sorry I am late to this party, but I would like to voice my principle
>>> objection to this policy because it reads more like an
>>> operational/implementation document rather than a policy. My feeling
>>> is that inconsistent treatment of resource applications is at the
>>> centre of this policy. If I am right then I would posit that this is
>>> not the first time we see some attempt to resolve administrative
>>> issues with policy, so for me it would be important to put in
>>> place/fix a mechanism for AfriNIc and the community to resolve these
>>> kind of issues.
>>> More specifically 3.1 of this policy:
>>>> 3.1) To qualify for address space, Academic institutions will need to
>>>> apply as end users and provide the following >documentation:
>>>> 3.1.1) Proof of Institution's registration/accreditation
>>>> 3.1.2) Proof of the number of registered full time students
>>>> 3.1.3) Proof of staff head count.
>>> I am averse to the idea of hardcoding requirements here as it will
>>> constrain staff from doing any extra due dilligence --- applications
>>> can refer them to #3.1 when probed :-). imagine how abused this
>>> scripted process can be --- we should allow some discretion to staff –
>>> unless offcourse we have a problem with the way they are  doing their
>>> job, in which case we should try and fix that, only I am doubtful that
>>> this would fall under the purview of the PDP
>>> Also 3.5:
>>>> 3.5) Under the policy, HEI shall be eligible to receive IPv4 resources
>>>> at a ratio not less than 5 IPv4 addresses per campus user,
>>>> where campus user is defined in 3.2).
>>> It would appear that from the thread 3:1 would be something members
>>> see as pragmatic and are able to agree to, although some numbers have
>>> been advanced to demonstrate a  5:1 situation. My take on this
>>> particular discussion is that I would agree with the demonstrated 3:1
>>> that most of the people on the list seem to lean toward, albeit, if we
>>> accounted for the future growth of the Internet (stats by Andrew :-)),
>>> you will agree that a 5:1 is wise as it would support scalability in
>>> the near future. For this reason I would be in support of a 5:1. So I
>>> feel the following would be a reasable compromise :-
>>> 1.    No minimum ratio
>>> 2.    > 3:1 screening begins
>>> 3.    5:1 is the max
>>> ______________________________**_________________
>>> rpd mailing list
>>> rpd at
> --
> Gift Shava
> Financial Controller
> Information Technology Integrators
> www. <>
> Office: +26739334779, Mobile: +26772115870
> Fax: +2673170457
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> rpd mailing list
> rpd at


*Seun Ojedeji,
Federal University Oye-Ekiti
Mobile: +2348035233535
**alt email: <http://goog_1872880453>seun.ojedeji at*
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