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[AFRINIC-rpd] Academic IPv4 Allocation Policy Second Draft (AFPUB-2013-GEN-001-DRAFT-02)

Sunday Folayan sfolayan at
Sun Jan 27 22:00:10 UTC 2013

On 27/01/2013 22:45, McTim wrote:
> I've refrained from commenting on this policy so far, but I'd like to
> know what this proposal would do, before I make a decision about
> support.
> So HEI are EndUsers (getting PI space) in all cases, correct?

Yes. Unless they choose to be an ISP.

> They already get a significant discount, correct?


> So if a HEI gets a block of EndUser space, then they need more, they
> won't be billed for both blocks??

They will be billed.

> Or is it only that if they get a PI block of size "X", because the NIC
> won't give them "Y" (what they wanted) then the next block "Z" would
> not be billed, but the billing would be X+Z=Y?  Is that correct??

Yes. bill Y, instead of billing X + Z.


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