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[AFRINIC-rpd] Academic IPv4 Allocation Policy Second Draft (AFPUB-2013-GEN-001-DRAFT-02)

Jackson Muthili jacksonmuthi at
Wed Jan 16 21:23:52 UTC 2013


On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 11:29 PM, Andrew Alston
<alston.networks at> wrote:
> 1)            Summary of the Problem Being Addressed by this Policy Proposal
> Given that the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Africa are growing,
> and that Internet access within these academic Institutions is critical to
> the educational experience of students, it is necessary to provide
> sufficient address space to these HEIs to allow them to function
> effectively.  When we consider that such institutions are constantly
> upgrading their Infrastructure and bandwidth to support technologies which
> are severely limited in environments using Network Address Translation
> (NAT), we believe that it is important that HEIs desirous of public address
> space should have the ability to migrate away from NAT.

Is it prudent to give every student and his iphone and itab a public
IP? I consider this a serious wastage. Why student needs public IP on
a mobile device?

> 2) Summary of How this Proposal Addresses the Problem
>                 a) This proposal will simplify the allocation of address
> space to HEIs by detailing and simplifying the address justification
> criteria

My mind see this as waste of IPs.

Students and others visitor on universty dont need public IP on a hand
held device. Unless a special requirement on case by case basis.

> Academic Institutions qualify for IP address space from AfriNIC based on the
> sum of the number of registered  students and employees on their campus.
> 3.1) To qualify for address space, Academic institutions will need to apply
> as end users and provide the following documentation:
>                 3.1.1) Proof of Institution’s registration/accreditation
>                 3.1.2) Proof of the number of registered students
>                 3.1.3) Proof of staff head count.
> 3.2) This policy applies a ratio to a head count of campus users, where the
> number of campus users is calculated using a formula of full time students +
> full time employees + (part time students * 0.5)
> 3.3)  In addition to the documentation specified in clause 3.1, institutions
> will need to provide details of planned/current IPv6 roll-outs, including
> committed time frames for the roll-out of IPv6.
> 3.4) For the purposes of this policy, the roll-out of IPv6 can only be
> considered to be a true IPv6 roll-out, if IPv6 is extended to the edge of
> the network, beyond just the core/server infrastructure.
> 3.5) Under the policy, HEI shall be eligible to receive IPv4 resources at a
> ratio not less than 5 IPv4 addresses per campus user, where campus user is
> defined in 3.2).

I have never seen any student or person with a need for 5 IPs at the
same instant. This also is waste.


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