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[AFRINIC-rpd] Academic IPV4 Allocation Policy - Draft 1

Andrew Alston alston.networks at
Tue Jan 15 23:31:29 UTC 2013

Hi Owen,


The reason behind the H in HEI surrounds the fact that by experience, typically HEI’s on the African continent are far more geared towards the provision of access to their student base.  Most primary and secondary schools are limited to small laboratories and actually have very limited wireless coverage for students to access.  I don’t see this changing fast enough to justify extending such a multiplier to that base purely based on experience of their technologies.  (An example, in South Africa at the moment, a single university currently uses more than 10 times the bandwidth provisioned for in excess of 30 primary and secondary education schools, purely because they have the infrastructure to provide to a wider base of students in a less controller manner.


Nii, as Owen points out, this policy is kind of unique to the higher education sector, it is a unique environment.  It could be argued that this could be applied potentially to other end user applications within the corporate sector, though it would be extremely difficult to police if we did that.  By limiting this policy to the higher education sector, we have an easy method of verification of the institution, since higher ed institutes are typically registered institutions with well documented web presence and plenty of verifiable information available about them.  By comparison, if we extended such a policy to the general corporate sector, and applied it entirely to staff count at a particular employer, we would eliminate all need for verification of requests.  While I *STRONGLY* believe there is a need to adjust the current policies to make accessing the address space easier for both corporate and academic sectors alike, I think this policy would be to extreme for the general commodity market, but it DOES have application to the academic sector.


Just my thoughts





From: Owen DeLong [mailto:owen at] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 12:46 AM
To: Nii Narku Quaynor
Cc: Andrew Alston; <rpd at>
Subject: Re: [AFRINIC-rpd] Academic IPV4 Allocation Policy - Draft 1


Hospitals rarely have enrolled students and even the ones that do are unlikely to be able to use that as a good template for calculating the number of addresses needed.


I think using enrolled student counts with a multiplier as a useful template for determining address needs would, indeed, be unique to higher education institutions.


Of course, I'm not sure that the H in HEI is necessary. Is there any reason not to also apply this to primary and secondary schools?



Sent from my iPad

On Jan 15, 2013, at 11:45 AM, Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at> wrote:

Can one do, as example, s/HEI/Hospitals/ or s/HEI/Schools/ and would there be any difference in the proposed policy?

Is this policy peculiar to Academia

On Jan 15, 2013, at 15:14, "Andrew Alston" <alston.networks at> wrote:

Hi All,


Please see the policy proposed below and can we get some discussion going so that we can modify/edit as the community feels necessary in order to get this tabled at the next meeting later this year.






Unique Identifier:            AFPUB-2013-GEN-001-DRAFT-01

Draft Policy Name:          Academic IPv4 Allocation

Policy Author(s):              Andrew Alston aa at

                                                Sunday Folayan sfolayan at

Date:                                     January 14, 2013

Related Policies:               None

Amends:                              None


1)            Summary of the Problem Being Addressed by this Policy Proposal


Given that the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Africa are growing, and that Internet access within these academic Institutions is critical to the educational experience of students, it is necessary to provide sufficient address space to these HEIs to allow them to function effectively.  When we consider that such institutions are constantly upgrading their Infrastructure and bandwidth to support technologies which are severely limited in environments using Network Address Translation (NAT), we believe that it is important that HEIs desirous of public address space should have the ability to migrate away from NAT. Such migration will help promote technologies such as multicast and the convergence of voice and data networks, which will in turn drive down the costs within such institutions.

By promoting the elimination of NATs, this proposal will also assist Universities in their migration to IPv6, and in fact, to qualify under this proposal, dual-stack and/or rollout of IPv6 at the qualifying institution is mandatory.


2) Summary of How this Proposal Addresses the Problem


                a) This proposal will simplify the allocation of address space to HEIs by detailing and simplifying the address justification criteria

                b) This proposal recognizes HEIs as end users, and removes the confusion previously seen where arguments have occurred as to the status of the applying institution.

                c) This proposal helps to reduce the dependence of HEIs on NATs, and is in line with AfriNIC's own policy of not promoting the usage of such translation mechanisms.

                d) This proposal encourages the adoption of IPv6 by making the rollout of IPv6 a criterion for qualification under this proposal.


3) Proposal


Academic Institutions qualify for IP address space from AfriNIC based on the number of registered full time students on their campus.


3.1) To qualify for address space, Academic institutions will need to apply as end users and provide the following documentation:

                3.1.1) Proof of University registration/accreditation

                3.1.2) Proof of the number of registered full time students

3.2)  In addition to the documentation specified in clause 3.1, institutions will need to provide details of planned/current IPv6 roll-outs, including committed time frames for the roll-out of IPv6.

3.3) For the purposes of this policy, the roll-out of IPv6 can only be considered to be a true IPv6 roll-out, if IPv6 is extended to the edge of the network, beyond just the core/server infrastructure.

3.4) Under the policy, an HEI shall qualify for IP addresses on the basis of a 1:3 student:address ratio, so as to cater for the wide spread and increasing use of portable devices

(smartphones/tablets/notebooks) being brought onto campus by students.

3.5) HEIs will be classified as End Users under this policy, on provision of a duly authorized letter from the institution management stating that address space allocated will not be used outside of the campus/academic environment.

3.6) HEIs qualifying under this proposal will qualify for the same academic discounts that are applicable to any academic institution at the time of application.

3.7) Since any HEI that has a large base of full time registered students, has to, by the very nature of their function, have equipment on campus, this policy dispenses for the need for a HEI to provide detailed proof of equipment and infrastructure.


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