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[AfriNIC-rpd] NomCom at AFRINIC-16

gift gift at
Tue May 22 15:14:34 UTC 2012

A proxy is simply some one who has been asked by a qualifying member to 
vote on their behalf. Appointment of a proxy is a member's right at law. 
Its most likely that proxies will remain relevant even in case of 
e-voting. Take the example of member A who has not yet decided the way 
he wants to vote until the face to face meeting where discussions will 
be held including candidate presentations gives their proxy to B to vote 
at the meeting (paper ballot or e-vote). There could well be many other 
reasons why one would still want to appoint a proxy. Surely the member 
is entitled to such an option and if denied is at liberty to assert such 
rights. The best would be promote e-voting as the main method but to 
leave other options open. It is mos likely that at a meeting where 
e-voting is being used and the facilities are easily available and 
simple to use, nobody will insist on paper ballots.



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