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[AfriNIC-rpd] NomCom at AFRINIC-16

Badru Ntege ntegeb at
Tue May 22 06:14:05 UTC 2012


On 22 May 2012, at 08:38, Jackson Muthili <jacksonmuthi at> wrote:

> I quote your technology VS tradition remark
>> Technology will remove the need of the ballot  box and volunteers counting
>> the vote but the rest of the process remains the same and we need to be
>> objective and mindfull of the fact that we want to build an inclusive
>> community.  And personally feel the current process is still very good for
>> the community since it encourages the personal contact by candidates with
>> the community and directly or indirectly empowers members.  This is the
>> classic technology vs tradition debate and we need to also look at the cost
>> benefit analysis when it comes to AfriNics mandate towards the community.
> what do you suggest?
> Are you in favor or against e-vote system?

We are a resourcefull community I only pose a challenge that we need to consider as we strive to get an inclusive solution. E-vote system might solve a current situation but we should always try to put sustainable solutions in place that are in line with the community and AfriNics mandate. 

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