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[AfriNIC-rpd] Open Policy hour for AfriNIC - just an idea.

SM sm at
Thu Apr 19 10:15:22 UTC 2012

Hi Owen,
At 21:29 18-04-2012, Owen DeLong wrote:
>+1 for OPH for AfriNIC. It is a tool that has worked very well in the ARIN
>region and I think the benefits would also be applicable to AfriNIC.

It seems to me that the point raised by Maye Diop ( ) was 
misunderstood.  The AfriNIC service region is different from the ARIN 
service region.  In the ARIN service region, there are approximately 
two countries.  The AfriNIC service region covers a continent 
comprising over 50 countries.  There are significant hurdles in the 
AfriNIC service region (some ARIN folks have been very understanding 
about that).  Here's a list of people who spoke during the last meeting:

   Dr Paulos Nyirenda
   Timothy McGinnis
   Mukom Akong T
   Alain Aina
   Adiel Akplogan
   Sofia Silva
   Louise Flynn
   Hisham Ibrahim
   Paul Andersen

127 messages have been posted to this list since the beginning of the 
year by 28 people.  That includes announcements posted by AfriNIC.

The only benefits I see for Open Policy Hour is to discuss the two 
recent proposals.


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