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[AfriNIC-rpd] End of 15-day Last Call Period

ALAIN AINA aalain at
Sat Jul 10 15:04:42 UTC 2010

The last call ends  today at 23:59:59, so i can still send comments


On Jul 10, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Vincent Ngundi. wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> Please note that the 15-day last call period for the 'IPv4 Softlanding' and 'Revised AfriNIC PDP' ends today.
> In line with the AfriNIC Policy Development Process(PDP), the PDP-MG will review the deliberations as at the end of the last call and prepare a report for onward fowarding to the AfriNIC Board.
> Regards,
> Vincent Ngundi
> Chair, AfriNIC PDP-MG
> Sent from my Mobile device.
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