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[AfriNIC-rpd] AfriNIC-12 Public Policy Meeting Update

Badru Ntege ntegeb at
Fri Jun 18 06:55:43 UTC 2010

Hi Vincent


Do we have a time that the proposals will be going for last call ?  and
have you or do you plan to share the edited proposals prior to that time?


From: rpd-bounces at [mailto:rpd-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Vincent Ngundi
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 1:42 PM
To: Douglas Onyango
Cc: AfriNIC RPD MList
Subject: Re: [AfriNIC-rpd] AfriNIC-12 Public Policy Meeting Update


Dear Douglas,


The discusssions on this policy were concluded after lunch and there was
consensus that the proposal moves to the 15-day last call period.


There were a couple of changes that the community recommended (which I gave
a summary of at the meeting) and which will be incorporated in the revised



Vincent Ngundi
Chair, AfriNIC PDP-MG


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Douglas Onyango <ondouglas at>

Hello PDP chair,
With all due respect i have no recollection of proposal 3. Policy
Development on the AfriNIC Service Region - Going for a last call

I remember Badru taking to the mic to clarify what had been agreed on, and
what i agreed to, which i believe most of the people did was to take this
policy back to the mailing list.

Am i missing something?

Douglas Onyango +256(0712)981329
Life is the educators practical joke in which you spend the first half
learning, and the second half learning that everything you learned in the
first was wrong. 

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Vincent Ngundi <vincent at> wrote:

From: Vincent Ngundi <vincent at>

Subject: [AfriNIC-rpd] AfriNIC-12 Public Policy Meeting Update 

To: "AfriNIC RPD MList" <rpd at>

Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 11:19 AM 


Dear Colleagues,


The AfriNIC-12 Public Policy meeting that ended last week was very
successful. The quality of the discussions was rich with three (3) policy
proposals being discussed by the community.


What follows is a summary of the decisions made by the community during the
publicy policy meetings:


1. IPv4 Softlanding Policy Proposal

The proposal provides a strategy on how to manage AfriNIC's last /8 IPv4
allocation so as to enable a smooth transition to IPv6.


This proposal gathered consensus but with a few amendments. The proposal
will be going to the 15-day last call period shortly.


2. Abuse Contact Information Policy Proposal

The proposal seeks to introduce a mandatory reference to IRT objects in the
inetnum, inet6num and aut-num objects in the AfriNIC Whois database in order
to provide a more accurate and efficient way for abuse reports to reach the
correct network contact.


This policy proposal did not gather consensus and therefore will be returned
to the RPD mailing list for further discussions and will possibly be
presented at the next AfriNIC Public Policy meeting (AfriNIC-13).


3. Policy Development on the AfriNIC Service Region

The proposal revises the current AfriNIC Policy Development Process (PDP).


This proposal gathered consensus but with a few amendments. The proposal
will be going to the 15-day last call period shortly.


Vincent Ngundi
Chair, AfriNIC PDP-MG


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