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[AfriNIC-rpd] Policy Proposal Summary - Cooperative Distribution of the End of the IANA IPv4 Free Pool

Vincent Ngundi vincent at
Wed May 7 17:09:42 UTC 2008

Dear Members,

Below please find a summary of the discussions we've had so far  
regarding the above policy. As per the AfriNIC policy development  
process, a draft policy proposal should gather consensus on the  
Resource Policy Discussion mailing list before being presented for  
discussion at an AfriNIC Public meeting.

For this policy to be presented during the Public meeting in Rabat,  
Morocco, we need a final round of comments on whether or not you  
support the policy and why.

Kindly send in your input on or before Thursday the 21st of May 2008.


Proposal Date: 30th October 2007
Date posted on RPD List: 31st October 2007
Scope: Global Policy
Policy Proposal: Attached

The policy proposal outlines a process through which RIR's can share  
IPv4 addresses after the exhaustion of the IPv4 IANA free pool.

There were a few comments regarding this policy. All the contributors  
supported the policy but agree that there's still a need for a policy  
to manage the remaining address space among the RIR's.

Let's hear more from the community.


Kind Regards,

Vincent Ngundi
Interim AfriNIC PDP-MG Co-chair

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