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[AfriNIC-rpd] end-site assignment policy

Colin Alston colin at
Mon Sep 10 14:02:10 UTC 2007

On 10/09/2007 14:55 McTim wrote:
> On 9/10/07, Colin Alston <colin at> wrote:
>> On 10/09/2007 11:54 McTim wrote:
>>> Where are you seeing this text?
>> 5.1.1 (c) and (d) which is held for the aforementioned organizations
>> by 5.7.
> You are confused.  There is no 3 day text there. There is 12 month text there.

You are confused, IS were allocated their IPv6 on the 13th of 
September 2006 as I said in my previous mail - this means they have 3 
days to announce their space as per the policy.

> If folk don't announce the IP space in 12 months, do we want to set
> back IPv6 deployment efforts by taking it away from them? I think not.

No, but we need to push them to use it properly or to not feign their 

> 5.7 ONLY applies to folk who had a /35, and need supersizing.

Which was all organizations who renumbered to AfriNIC IPv6 allocations 

> Do you really care about "wasting" a drop in the bucket?  A /32 is
> miniscule in relation to the entire size of the v6 pool.

No I care about people taking resources they don't need. It's not a 
matter of the size of the bucket, it's the matter of the resources in 
tracking the bucket for people who say they will use it but don't. 
They are also receiving a substantial discount compared to IPv4 on 
these resources in order to promote their use, but then not making use 
of it.

> Well, it's a stronger policy than in the IPv4 world, you can get IPv4
> space and never announce it, and that's kosher.

It's to push people to actually use their space in my mind... In IPv4 
they pay considerably more and don't need to have their arms twisted 
to provision. Comparing IPv4 policy to current IPv6 policy is a bad 
idea, the deaf operators of the world are hindering their customers 
ability to plan migration or have native access to the IPv6 internet.

Them saying they will, taking resources (no matter how irrelevant in 
size) and then never doing a single thing with them is, in my mind, a 
big problem.

Colin Alston <colin at>

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