[DBWG] online meeting - Sept 30 - 9:00 - 13:30 UTC

Frank Habicht geier at geier.ne.tz
Thu Sep 10 18:27:52 UTC 2020

Dear colleagues,

We are planning to have a virtual meeting of the AfriNIC DB working group.

Because the week of the AIS is relatively full and some AfriNIC staff
were booked in the following week as well, we have decided on the 30th
of September for the meeting.

Like events during the AIS week, we plan to start at 9:00 UTC in an
attempt to accommodate the variety of time zones that people will
participate from, given that we're not all in the same place.

Since surely more than 2 hours will be needed, we plan to have a break
for stretching and coffee in the middle of the time window.

This is the current draft agenda, for which you can send change
suggestions and we can update and confirm this at the beginning of the

1. Introductory remarks
2. Agenda discussion/confirmation; scribe
3. WG procedures - discussion
4. 2nd co-chair nomination / election / appointment
5. Review of previous dbwg session minutes (10 min)
6. Update from the applications unit
7. Update from MS on database accuracy improvement

Break 20 mins

8. DB security enhancement proposal
9. DBWG work items
10. Presentation from other WG member
11. Presentation from other WG member
12. RPKI ANS0 implementation plan -R&I
13. AOB

Updates from AfriNIC staff are towards the beginning, as they can give
news of what was already done and inform later discussions

I expect the bulk of the DB discussion topics that are not concluded yet
to be worked on in "9. DBWG work items".

Then 10. and 11. are placeholders if any WG members with to present any
problems and/or proposals. Please let me know if this is the case.

12. RPKI ASN0 is an item Staff have suggested, and I trust interesting
to most, but maybe not in the core of the DB functions, and since likely
no other agenda items will be influenced by this, we can have this
towards the end of the agenda [which does not mean lower importance ;-)]

Frank Habicht

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