[DBWG] Possible solutions to the changed attribute issue

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Fri Sep 4 00:30:00 UTC 2020

dear wg chair, and afrinic team,
at the risk of repeating myself, this remains unanswered:

On 24 Aug 2020, at 17:29, Nishal Goburdhan wrote:

> what, from the above, do you need this working group to help with?

> community consensus around mandatory maintainerS? :-)

i recognise that there’s no defined process for changing this.
i half-expected staff (aka this working group’s secretariat) to
present a bullet point straw-man, which addresses the issues that have
been presented (in this case, accurate information in whois), and
potential solutions. is this unreasonable? should i be submitting a
proposal a la rpd, and then trying to “defend” that at the next dbwg

i received reminders that the “AIS” event will be taking place
online (virtual event) this year. i did not see an announcement on this
list, for a meeting of the dbwg, where, presumably, i expect you (chair
and staff) to engage with us mere mortals on dbwg issues.

my apologies in advance if this message was caught up in the rest of the
AIS clutter; but i *did* check the archives too. i’m really only
interested in knowing :
# if there will be a virtual meeting of the dbwg, and
# when this is scheduled for, and
# how does one attend

and perhaps, since this is virtual, does it even have to be tied around
AIS at all .. ?


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