[DBWG] Lame delegations in AFRINIC reverse DNS policy implementation

Dewole Ajao dewole at forum.org.ng
Fri Sep 21 19:37:57 UTC 2018

Thanks for the update, Yogesh. Where are we on validity/reachability of contacts in the WHOIS? Is the email below being sent to all billing/admin contacts for circulation to their relevant staff? I'm on admin, billing and tech for my organization and I haven't received it outside the dbwg. 


From: "Yogesh Chadee" <yogesh at afrinic.net> 
To: dbwg at afrinic.net 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2018 12:09:41 PM 
Subject: [DBWG] Lame delegations in AFRINIC reverse DNS policy implementation 

Dear all, 

The "Lame delegations in AFRINIC reverse DNS" <https://www.afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2241-lame-delegations-in-afrinic-reverse-dns-v02> policy has been ratified on 21 March 2018. The intention is to ensure lame delegations appearing in the reverse DNS are acted upon. 

The policy will be implemented by equipping the WHOIS with automatic checks, notifications to admin-c, tech-c and zone-c contacts of domain objects and removal of lame delegations after 30 days. There will also be statistics on lame delegations on the AFRINIC website. These features will go live on 27 September 2018. 

On day 1 of every month, a fresh scan of WHOIS domain objects will be performed and checks made for lame delegations. During the next 30 days, multiple lameness checks will be performed. Up to 4 notifications will be sent to admin-c, tech-c and zone-c contacts of domain objects with lame delegations as long as the lame delegations are detected, allowing them to act upon them. AFRINIC has published a manual <https://www.afrinic.net/services/lame-delegation> for members to deal with the situation. At the end of the 30 day period, remaining lame delegations will be automatically removed from the WHOIS. 

Best regards, 
AFRINIC Applications Unit 

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